Barn Name | Ben
Breed | KWPN
Height | 17.0hh
Colour | Blood Bay - EE Aa
Dicepline | Eventing
Points | 15
Earnings | $0
Age | 6 years old
Rider | Raven Rosenhall

Well... Benny over here has recently undergone a change... and had his boy bits cut off. Mr Ben was beginning to become a bit of a handful. Ben just couldnt keep his eyes off the ladies when training or when out at comps. After some hard deliberation we decided to geld him (after collecting a few straws) in order to keep his competitive career alive. He is doing so much better now and i think he'll thank us in the long run. He really enjoys being able to hang out with his lady friends in the pasture and hes just as a whole a happier horse. He is now 7 years old and competing at intermediate level with 30 points. He had a rocky start to his competition career but we hope gelding him will prove a little more success in the future!
EDIT: Ben Just went from placing 10th in his last competition to placing 1st in his most recent (the first after being gelded). Hopefully this good behaviour continues!
January 2017 | 6 years old
September 2016 | 5 years old
May 2016 | 4 years old
April 2016 | 3 years old
March 2016 | 2 years old
February 2016 | Yearling
January 2016 | Born